Europe Day AD 2020 comes at a time of great test for the Union – Message of EPP President Donald Tusk

by EPP

Seventy years ago, Robert Schuman published his Plan for Europe which led to the creation of the European Union. Today, the need for unity of our continent seems even more evident. With all its flaws and errors, the Union is the only real alternative to the Europe of egoisms, conflicts, poverty and oppression.

We are living in the time of pandemic, which makes us realize with full force and clarity the importance of enhanced cooperation and coordination of our actions. Nationalists are excellent at creating problems and completely helpless when it comes to solving them. No country on its own, will solve on a national level, none of the great challenges of the XXIst century: the pandemic, migration, climate crisis or the environmental catastrophe.

Today, Europeans need to confront more than one plague. We have been attacked by the Coronavirus, and the fight against it is our highest priority today, but it is accompanied also by the viruses we already know: lies, fear, hatred, doubting the sense of our values: unity, solidarity, democracy, rights of individuals and minorities, freedom of speech and the rule of law.

Europe Day anno domini 2020 comes at a time of great test. And it depends on us, Europeans, whether the Union will survive the coming crisis, perhaps the gravest in our history. But we must care, care deeply, otherwise the grimmest prophesies of fatalists and the ominous dreams of our enemies about the division and collapse of Europe will be fulfilled. Today, we need the imagination, determination and the courage of our Founding Fathers.

And then, like them, we can also win.

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