Europe manufactures an Anti-Coronavirus iron, B&B Trends informs

Tested by external studies sustained at the Technological Center of Catalonia (EURECAT) and the University of Navarra // It is endorsed by two patents that allow the eradication of COVID-19, as well as other viruses and bacteria, from any type of tissue // It has an efficiency of more than 99.999999%. This technology is the response to the present pandemic and future threats

Europe manufactures the iron that can be used on any type of tissue, deactivating the virus. The B&B Trends Group (Barcelona, ​​Spain), manufacturer of the UFESA and Di4 brands, has managed to reconcile the recommendations of the health authorities regarding clothing hygiene with care so these would be free of COVID-19 or coronavirus. “With this ironing solution it is not necessary to expose the clothes when laundering at 60º, which in most cases it gravely damage the fabric. This innovation allows to iron, either vertically or horizontally, any kind of fabric at a higher temperature range and, in addition, the exclusive pulse steam ejection technology provides a higher speed when transferring this temperature to clothing without damaging it, reaching all points of the garment and ending with the COVID-19”, they assure from the company.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends washing and disinfecting tissues at 60-90º. However, the labels in the clothes do not suggest washing them above 30-40º, because according to recommendations of textile fabricants the piece of clothing reduces its size; the colors fade; wrinkles get fixed; and, if it contains any elastics, they become loose.

Healthy Program. EURECAT and the University of Navarra

B&B Trends has carried out in the laboratories of the prestigious University of Navarra a study of the Healthy Program, a technology designed in the R&D department of the company itself.

The analysis has focused on testing four types of microbes (C. Albicans; S. Aureus; E-coli; and B. Sutilis), resulting in the fact that this technology completely eliminates these bacteria.

The study in question validates that viruses with lipid envelopes, such as Sars-CoV-2, have lower resistance at certain temperatures than the E-coli type bacteria and much lower than bacteria with spores such as the B subtilis, both observed and tested in the study. Hence this, the same laboratory corroborates that its effective results can be extrapolated against COVID-19.

It is an accessible and available technology for professionals, such as dry cleaners and the textile commerce, for example, and for individuals. Two Di4 signature models equip the Healthy Program.

The Business Group

B&B Trends has extensive experience in manufacturing and developing small household appliances. It manufactures and markets brands such as UFESA, DAGA, Zelmer and Di4, as well as for other manufacturers.


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