ECR MEPs criticised new EU rules in transport sector as “harmful and double-dealing”

As reported by the European Conservatives and Reformists, after the adoption of the EU Mobility package by the European Parliament without any amendments, ECR Transport coordinator Roberts Zīle MEP said:

“What is seemingly symbolically ironic, is that on the day when chancellor Merkel takes over the reigns of Council presidency, singing a rhapsody of solidarity, the newly approved road freight transport rules – originated from then French minister Macron – demonstrate a stark protectionism that will not only erode the integrity of the EU Single Market but furthermore exemplify division against higher and lower income Member States.

Zīle has continued saying: “Moreover, these rules, namely the compulsory return of the trucks to the Member State of establishment, will generate an enormous ecological burden crippling the whole Green Deal idea in its core. Sadly enough, even the coronavirus disturbances and health and safety risks had not stemmed the rules disbarring drivers to rest in their truck cabins, that would often provide much better health safety than poorly maintained ‘multi bed per room’ hostels.

Kosma Zlotowski, ECR´s co-shadow rapporteur, also criticised the new regulation as being “incompatible” with the spirit of “economic integration” and the single market’s principles:

“The Mobility Package is a clear example of economic protectionism. It discriminates against transport companies from countries such as Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria and the Baltic States. These rules go against the very freedoms, which includes services, on which the values and success of the European Union have been built. Sadly, the Mobility Package is a sign that this process is being abandoned. Of course, the fight is not over. Certainly, Member States will bring their complaints concerning these regulations to the European Court of Justice. Contrary to the intentions of the initiators of these changes, the costs of the Mobility Package will affect consumers across Europe and have a negative impact on the prices of all goods. In times of crisis brought about by the coronavirus epidemic, this could be a barrier to the swift recovery of the EU economy.”

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