First half of 2020: Covid-19, investment in recovery, climate | News | European Parliament


At the end of January, Parliament approved the UK’s withdrawal agreement, setting Brexit into motion, and said good bye to the 73 British MEPs. Talks are ongoing to determine how the UK and the EU will work together in the future.

EU-Vietnam trade deal

The EU-Vietnam free trade agreement, approved by Parliament in February, will eliminate virtually all tariffs over the course of a decade. As it includes binding rules on climate, labour and human rights, MEPs see it as a standard-setter for global trade.

Tackling disinformation

Fake news about Covid-19 can be as dangerous as the virus. MEPs support EU efforts to tackle disinformation, while protecting freedom of expression. In June, Parliament established a special committee to research foreign interference in all democratic processes in the EU, including disinformation.


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