“Baha’i World” articles examine migration, existential stress

BAHA’I WORLD CENTRE — Two new articles have been published today in the online publication The Baha’i World, which is releasing, in the context of the current pandemic, a series of articles on migration and themes relevant to the well-being and progress of humanity.

“Rethinking Migration from a Global Perspective” explores the relationship between social transformation and the movement of human populations within and across borders. The article highlights insights from the Baha’i teachings and the social sciences in pursuit of greater understanding of a global phenomenon that affects virtually every society.

The concept of transformation is approached from another perspective in “The Light Was in the Darkness: Reflections on the Growth that Hides in the Pain of Suffering.” This article looks at existential stress, a form of suffering that is unique to the human experience, and probes its relationship to individual growth and development, drawing on the rich spiritual and philosophical heritage of humanity.

The Baha’i World website makes available a selection of thoughtful essays and long-form articles on a range of subjects of interest to the wider public, conveying advancements in Baha’i thought and action and reflecting the Faith’s purpose in the world.

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