Europe lights the way for schooling during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond

A high-level meeting hosted by WHO/Europe and the Italian Ministry of Health has paved the way for longer term dialogue between Member States on how schools in the WHO European Region can teach in the wake of COVID-19. “Our actions must target the virus not the children. We cannot ask our children to press the pause button on their lives,” said Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe, on opening up the discussion that sought to create a consensus on how societies and schools can best manage this transition.

Children and adolescents must not be left behind, and their developmental, physical, mental, emotional and social needs must be met to avoid them becoming hidden victims of the pandemic, Dr Kluge emphasized. He went on to state that WHO aims to support the leadership of health authorities while recognizing the concerns of parents and children, and protecting the constitutional rights to health and education for all citizens.

The fact that 1.6 billion children worldwide are losing out on time in school is a generational catastrophe, and more resilient systems are needed to mitigate the longer term impact on children’s health. Thanking WHO/Europe for steering the debate on this crucial issue, Italy’s Minister of Health, Mr Roberto Speranza, proposed sustaining the process through a regular gathering of experts to help marshal the facts, analyse the evidence, and better protect children, their families and communities.

No zero risk: transmission scenarios and mitigation measures

The Minister’s suggestion was warmly welcomed by WHO/Europe, which proposed a framework to support countries as they intervene to make schooling safe. In addition, WHO/Europe committed itself to providing a platform for Member States and partners to share experiences, alert each other, and follow adaptive measures as necessary.

The WHO framework describes a number of transmission scenarios, alongside mitigation measures which could be considered in each instance. Advice includes what to do if no cases are reported in communities and how measures should be escalated if sporadic cases appear or lead to clusters of infections or community transmission. It suggests a stepwise approach with a range of personal, administrative and environmental interventions, including regular handwashing, physical distancing, and ensuring adequate ventilation and masks, and the provision of tailored solutions for children with disabilities, without stigmatization.

WHO stressed that there was no zero-risk approach to schooling during the pandemic, and therefore it is important not to blame schools when infections occur. Instead, it is necessary to prepare for, plan and react appropriately, while ensuring that school closures are used as a last resort.

Education at the forefront of the recovery

The organization of schooling was brought up in presentations by representatives of Member States. Mr Dan Petersen, from Denmark’s Ministry of Health, emphasized the need to collect data and coordinate research to establish whether outbreaks were occurring in schools or elsewhere, as he reiterated the need for schools to function as normally as possible.

“The health system is further along in its recovery, but for schools, the recovery is only just beginning,” cautioned Ms Joanna Herat of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), while urging health authorities to work closely with education and social sectors to place education at the forefront of recovery measures. “This will allow children the confidence and skills to participate fully in society,” she added.

The need for collaboration was also addressed by Dr Natasha Azzopardi-Muscat, Director of the Division of Country Health Policies and Systems, WHO/Europe, who warned that, rather than waiting for the evidence to accumulate and looking at the situation purely through a disease control lens, “teachers, local health authorities, paediatricians and general practitioners, should know what their role is, be well rehearsed and ready to play their part”. She stressed that this is the critical component of success and we must act now to preserve the integrity of education.

More resilient systems, taking into account young people’s voices

Making systems more resilient involves hearing children’s voices when discussing policy-making. In one recent survey, young people reported a desire to see less stigmatization around mental health issues and better psychological support in schools, highlighting a need to prioritize the wider emotional impact of the pandemic when building back.

The role of children as members of families and wider communities was taken up by Dr Kluge, who said, “We must lift them up so they can lift us up. Children are ambassadors for the future of humanity”. As such, vulnerable children and young people were at the heart of discussions, where it was noted that children in violent households and girls at risk of forced marriage and gender-based violence were less likely to return to school.

Mr Parmosivea Bobby Soobrayan, Regional Advisor, Education, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) highlighted the protective role of schools in society, saying that schools needed to catch up on lost learning and ensure that all children were re-enrolled.

Monitoring the infection activity in schools, families and communities, and matching it with the public health and social measures implemented at local level would provide the data that is needed to drive sensible policies.

By holding this meeting and by placing the issue of schooling during the COVID-19 pandemic at the top of its agenda, WHO/Europe showed its commitment to children and adolescents and leaving no one behind as the world continues to grapple with COVID-19.


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