Member States continue to drive financial support to WHO/Europe

A total of US$ 210 million (€177 million) in specified voluntary contributions was received by WHO/Europe for the first half of 2020, from 81 contributors. A large proportion of this amount (59%) was from Member States, followed by intergovernmental organizations – mainly the European Union (EU) (17%), United Nations organizations (6.5%), partnerships (6%), and non-state actors (including philanthropic foundations, private sector entities, academic institutions and nongovernmental organizations) (4%).

Over this period, the top 3 donors were Germany (US$ 37.2 million/€31.3 million), the EU (US$ 35.6 million/€30 million), and the United States of America (US$ 30.3 million/€25.5 million). As well as increasing the total value of their donations in recent years, these donors have been among the top 3 since 2016. European Member States’ contributions together with the EU’s represented 57% of total voluntary funding to WHO/Europe at the end of June 2020.

Of the specified voluntary funding received from Member States of the WHO European Region, and the EU, most of this funding (63%) is allocated directly to WHO/Europe’s work in countries. Of this amount, Turkey receives 28% and Ukraine 11%, a concentration of funds largely explained by emergency operations in these countries.

“I would like to thank all countries and organizations that generously contribute to WHO/Europe’s work, improving the health and well-being of the 900 million people living in the WHO European Region. These times call for global solidarity, and I am committed to pursuing new ways to ensure that WHO/Europe has the resources it needs to deliver the European Programme of Work, as well as provide proactive support to country health authorities to mobilize resources for their pandemic recovery,” said Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe.

From January to the end June this year, just over half of WHO/Europe’s funding (51%) has been directed towards work for emergencies, including that linked to the COVID-19 outbreak. This contributes to the global strategic priority set down in WHO’s 13th General Programme of Work, to address health emergencies. A further 22% has been put towards the third global priority of promoting healthier populations, and 20% to the first priority, achieving universal health coverage.

Member States will be discussing a new vision for delivering health across the European Region – the European Programme of Work (EPW) – at the 70th session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe, taking place virtually on 14–15 September 2020. To support the EPW, WHO/Europe is developing an engagement strategy for 2020–2025, to promote coherent resource mobilization and partnership efforts. This strategy will seek to align resource mobilization with the EPW priorities, and increase the level of flexibility, sustainability and predictability of contributions.

Member States from the European Region, together with the EU, have also assumed a leadership role as contributors to the global COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan with their combined voluntary contributions (close to US$ 750 million/€631.5 million) representing more than half of total funds pledged and received to date.

Further details of the Organization’s work, financing and progress on implementing its global General Programme of Work can be found in the Programme Budget Portal.


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