Alfred Sant appointed to EU Parliament tax subcommittee

The TimesMalta reported that Labour MEP Alfred Sant has been appointed a member of a tax subcommittee created to battle tax fraud and work for financial transparency. 

Sant will form part of FISC, the permanent tax subcommittee of the Economic and Monetary affairs committee in the European Parliament.  

The committee was created to ensure the European Parliament has a permanent structure that can fight tax fraud, tax evasion and tax avoidance, as well as promote financial transparency for taxation purposes.

Previously, the European Parliament would set up special committees or inquiries to delve into tax scandals. Plans to create a more permanent structure were officially endorsed in 2019 when MEPs voted in favour of the idea during the vote on the final report of the Special Committee on Financial Crimes, Tax Evasion and Tax Avoidance (TAX3 Committee).

Sant, an economist by training, has previously worked on similar tax subcommittees, most notably in the protection of whistleblowers and in tax transparency.

In a statement announcing that he would form part of FISC, a spokesperson for the MEP said Sant’s inclusion was especially important given ongoing talks between Malta and international institutions on strengthening its governance provisions and anti-money laundering structures. 

Originally published at TimesMalta

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