EU using UNHRC as tool to intervene in countries’ affairs

Speaking in 45th committee of Human Right Council, Esmaeil Baghaei Hamaneh reacted to the European Union’s move to issue a joint statement against Iran at the Human Rights Council and added that it is a pity that some countries are advising others over respecting for human rights, while they’re ignoring their previous and current crimes and they are concealing the fact that much of the suffering of others is the result of their past colonial policies and their own hegemonic mentality.

Criticizing western countries’ approach towards Human Rights, the envoy attributed such a policy only as a political tool to achieve some purposes such as creating conflicts between countries and the degradation of Human Rights.

Some European countries have turned the Human Rights Council into an arena for intervention in the affairs of the developing countries, he added.

Pointing out that the enforcement of laws is the necessary way to protect and respect human rights, Baghaei Hamaneh called it unacceptable to put pressure on other governments under the name of human rights to change the countries’ domestic legal system or to interfere in court cases.

He said that the best way to achieve the goals of the Human Rights Council is the dialogue and cooperation based on the principle of neutrality and avoiding accusing others.

Elsewhere in his remarks, he warned of continuing widespread and systematic violations against Palestinian human rights in the Occupied Territories and called on the Human Rights Council to prevent the Zionist Regime, whose existence is based on terrorism and aggression, from normalizing its brutality and gross violations of Human Rights.


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