European Parliament committee shows solidarity with protests in Bulgaria

With 35 votes in favor, 30 against and 1 abstention the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs has adopted a draft resolution on Bulgaria. It calls on the European Commission to continue monitoring judicial reform and the fight against corruption in Bulgaria.
The need for the government to ensure tighter control over spending of EU funds and to immediately respond to fears that taxpayers’ money is being used to increase the wealth of those associated with the government has been pointed out, BNR reported.

Speaking to the Bulgarian National Radio, MEP from the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Elena Yoncheva said that this was not a resolution against Bulgaria, but in support of Bulgarian citizens and their desire to live in a country without corruption and with independent judiciary.

The resolution is not a binding one. It is yet to be discussed and voted on by the European Parliament.

On the 85th night of the anti-government protests in Sofia, one of the leaders of the event, Arman Babikyan, read part of the text of the resolution and said that Brussels had clearly heard the citizens in the square.

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