Much Obliged: Key Club book drive a success

The Key Club book drive was a success due to the generosity of the Brainerd/Baxter community.

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                    <p>Key Club, a high school volunteer organization, began its book drive just one day before the high school switched to distance learning. Without the convenience of donating books in the drop boxes located in the high school, it was difficult for students to contribute. For this reason, we reached out to our community and were overwhelmed by the donations.</p>                            <p>We recently delivered over 1,600 books, a bag of new notebooks, and 25 hand-sewn book bags to Harrison Elementary School in Brainerd.</p>                            <p>On behalf of the Brainerd Key Club, I would like to thank all of you who helped make this book drive a success. Our community’s generosity put gently used, age-appropriate books in our youngest readers’ hands. </p>                            <p>A special thank you goes out to Fancy Pants Chocolates and Live Well Chiropractic Center for providing drop box locations for us.</p>
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Erin Host

Fundraiser chair


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