LaSalle grandmother publishes children’s book about pandemic life

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The cover of Corona Virus Came to Town, a new children’s book by Pam Stradeski of LaSalle. Photo by Pam Stradeski /Windsor Star

“This situation, it’s not been terrible to the little ones,” said Stradeski, who has worked in child care for more than 25 years.

“As much as it affects parents, children are probably just finding they are getting more family time. Their mummies and daddies might be home more and not as busy.”

The kids in the book laugh, dance, and play — while the green creature spies on them.

As the book is geared for children still learning to read, the words don’t mention any of the science or politics of COVID-19.

However, Stradeski made sure to include a page acknowledging health care providers, emergency responders, and essential workers such as truck drivers and grocery store employees.

Feedback for the book has been overwhelmingly positive, Stradeski said. “Whenever I put something out, I never know how popular it’s going to be.”

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A page from the children’s book Corona Virus Came to Town, by Pam Stradeski of LaSalle. Photo by Pam Stradeski /Windsor Star

Corona Virus Came to Town is Stradeski’s fourth self-published children’s book.

The illustrations in the book are by her niece, Key Howe.

“She’s in London now,” Stradeski said. “She does the drawings for all my books. I love her dearly.”

The book is being sold for $6. The first print-run was just 100 copies.

Anyone interested in buying a copy can contact Pam Stradeski personally on Facebook.

“I’m not a chain store. I’m just a granny at home who stays with children,” Stradeski said. “Writing for kids is just a passion of mine.”

LaSalle’s Pam Stradeski holds up two of her self-published children’s books: My Special Blanket and Corona Virus Came to Town. Photographed Oct. 11, 2020. Photo by Nick Brancaccio /Windsor Star
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