Members of European Parliament write to Pakistan PM seeking action against LeT for 26/11

NEW DELHI: Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) Ryszard Czarnecki and Fulvio Martusciello, have pulled up Pakistan for not yet having brought to justice those who orchestrated the 2008 Mumbai terrorists’ attacks.
Polish MEP Czarnecki and Italian MEP Martusciello, in a letter to Pak Prime Minister Imran Khan on Tuesday, stated, “On 26 November 2008, an extremist terrorist organisation, Lashkar-e-Taiba, based in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, claimed responsibility for the Mumbai bombings in which 166 innocent people were murdered, nine attackers killed, and more than 300 individuals sustained injuries. Subsequent documented evidence from United States intelligence reports, from India’s intelligence services including DNA, photographs and identification of the origins of the attackers; and an admission by Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s of the country’s involvement in the crimes; highlight the engagement of accomplishes in Pakistan. However, to date, the senior coordinators and promoters who orchestrated the attacks remain at large.”

The MEPs demanded it was “essential that justice is served on those who have carried out, instructed or supported such terrorist activities. It is equally important that leaders of countries publicly condemn these acts of violence and proceed to ensure justice is done for the victims, by apprehending and sentencing the perpetrators”.

The MEPs further stated in their letter, “Terrorism is the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, often in pursuit of political or ideological aims. European politicians, we are committed to fighting against terrorism and extremist violence. We all have a responsibility to condemn terrorism and bring to justice those who perpetrate such actions.”

Czarnecki and Martusciello also asked Imran to inform “action taken against Lashkar-e-Taiba, the extremist Islamist terrorist organisation, based in Pakistan, known to have carried out the multiple shooting and bombing attacks that happened in Mumbai in 2008?”. They further asked, “what action has, and is, Pakistan taking against terrorist groups operating within the country in general?”

Meanwhile French Member of the European Parliament Thierry Mariani, and Gianna Gancia, Italian Member of the European Parliament, wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday to express their support for India’s respect for democratic constitutional responsibility and to reinforce their backing for a common goal to address extremism and terrorism.

“As the Republic of India, the largest democracy in the world, celebrates Samvidhan Divas on the 26 November 2020, we send our congratulations to the country for maintaining peace, democratic values and freedoms and for upholding the Constitution of India established in 1949,” the letter read.

The Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) wrote India’s Republic was “steeped in history and culture. With its diversity of states, cultures and religions, India is a beacon for the democratic and free world.”

Further praising India, they highlighted that India “must be recognised for her dedication towards advocating and encouraging the principles of freedoms and rights under its constitution, one which treats all citizens equally.” India was also honoured for its principles of non-violence, when it was acknowledged that it had always maintained peace, in the country and the region, and had retained its independence through principles of non-alignment.

.“We send our condolences on this somber occasion and recognise the families and the individuals of the army and emergency services who were forced to witness the horrors resulting from these attacks. Europe mourns with you as we are also facing increased attacks from fundamentalists and extremists at this time.”

“Whilst Pakistan has tried to deny its links with terrorist organisations the evidence, including United States intelligence reports, the origin of the attackers and Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s admission of the country’s involvement, all demonstrate, without doubt, that the Islamic Republic of Pakistan remains a global threat”, stated Mariani and Gancia.

The MEPs stated that “as parliamentarians we have called for the European Union to impose sanctions on the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and on individuals; terrorists, and those supporting and promoting terrorist activities; and to condemn state sponsored terrorism. Addressing visa and passport fraud, as well as illegal migration are challenges that both India and the European countries face in preventing terrorism emanating from third countries.”

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