President Aliyev: Azerbaijan-EU partnership at high level

By Ayya Lmahamad

High level of partnership exists between Azerbaijan and the European Union, President Ilham Aliyev said while receiving credentials of the newly-appointed Ambassador of Sweden Christian Kamill on September 24, Azertag reported .

“Sweden has always actively participated in cooperation between the European Union and the region. There is now a very high level partnership between the European Union and Azerbaijan and this partnerhship covers many areas. I hope the negotiations on the new agreement will continue successfully,” the president said.

The president said that the cooperation with the EU continues, despite disruption of some plans due to COVID-19. 

Aliyev stressed that Azerbaijan has signed documents on strategic partnership with one third of EU member states, which demonstrates the high level of cooperation. In addition, he stated that two years ago Azerbaijan and EU also signed a document on partnership priorities, which is very important for further development of cooperation.

“We are very grateful that the European Union supported Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity and sovereignty of its borders in this document. It is a very important sign of a fair and just approach to the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan,” the president emphasized.

“As for our bilateral relations, we want them to become more intense. I am confident that such opportunity will appear through the ambassadors’ activity,” Aliyev said.

In turn, Ambassador Kamill stressed that Sweden is ready to support the Azerbaijan-EU cooperation.

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