Category: FORB

  • Derecho y Religion launches its latest scientific magazine

    40th anniversary of the Organic Law on Religious Freedom Delta Publicaciones, a well-known publishing house, has just launched in Spanish their latest “Law and Religion” magazine, the number XV, commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Spanish Religious Freedom Law. The magazine, which contains articles by the top full professors of Religious Freedom has been coordinated…

  • Piazza Grande Religion Journalism Award. Winners announced

    The International Association of Religion Journalists (IARJ) and Fscire are pleased to announce that Italian journalist Federica Tourn was awarded the first edition of the Piazza Grande Religion Journalism Award for her coverage about religious discrimination in Italian prisons Dio dietro le sbarre / God behind bars. The international jury also awarded three special mentions to…

  • UN Human Rights Council adopts new resolution on Freedom of Religion

    The resolution A/HRC/43/L.18 on Freedom of Religion or Belief has been Adopted at the 43th session of the Human Right Council the 19 June 2020 Action on Resolution on Freedom of Religion or Belief In a resolution (A/HRC/43/L.18) on freedom of religion or belief, adopted without a vote, the Council expresses deep concern at emerging…

  • Religious scholar laments: Turkish Christians ‘a welcome scapegoat’

    CNA Staff, Jun 25, 2020 / 05:41 pm MT (CNA).- According to a scholar of comparative religion, Christians in Turkey are being persecuted by the Turkish government, in part to distract attention from its recent setbacks in foreign policy. Alexander Görlach, a senior fellow with the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, said that…

  • CSW calls for the renewal of the mandate of the Special Envoy on FoRB

    EU FoRB Day – A call for the renewal of the mandate of the Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief outside of the European Union By CSW’s Europe Liason Officer Alessandro Pecorari Seven years ago, the EU Guidelines on freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) were adopted by the Foreign Affairs Council. Today,…

  • COVID-19: A church of the St Pius X Society in Paris faces ‘fake news’ and stigmatisation

    by HRWF HRWF (29.05.2020) – The Church of Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet does not have a good reputation in France and the Vatican. Since 27 February 1977, when it was forcibly occupied by people affiliated with the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX), which it unofficially depends on, this church is the main place of worship for the…

  • Understanding The Factors Behind Denominational Differences

    The issue of religions in Europe is of great significance. Many modern societies have different religious traditions and it is difficult to enforce their practices. For example, in some countries, Christianity dominates the population. In other countries, Hinduism and Islam are the major religions and there is a huge debate on which should prevail. Despite…

  • Faith-based organizations can help the transition to a more sustainable post-COVID-19 world

    United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has noted that the coronavirus pandemic is more than a health crisis. It is a human crisis which is attacking societies at their core. To tackle it, policymakers will need the support of scientists, experts, and society at large, including religious leaders, scholars, and communities. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)…

  • APPG statement on EU’s Special Envoy on FoRB

    The UK All-Party Parliamentary Group for International Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB) urges the European Commission to renew the mandate of the Special Envoy on FoRB outside the EU. Dr Ján Figel was appointed the European Commission’s first Special Envoy for the promotion of FoRB outside the EU, following a resolution adopted by the…

  • An active faith may hold the key to a longer, healthier life

    An active faith may hold the key to a longer, healthier life Khadija, an older Algerian woman, at first seems not to understand the question when asked about the role her religion and beliefs play in her well-being. By *Elisa Di Benedetto and *Larbi Megari She instinctively relied on Islam as a young woman living…