Category: Religion

  • Saving Islam in France from political and ghettoised Islam

    … and violent interpretations of Islamic religious texts. The practice … a courageous adaptation of Islam with European values ​​and specificities. … the end of Islam in Europe. European Muslims must in … independent and non-dominant European Islam may be able to …

  • EU-China relations at the crossroads

    … and EU-China relations between and within the political groups. However, Europe … crisis know no border, culture, religion, race, or ethnicity. Due to … between for example the EU’s Trans-European Transportation Network and China …

  • China’s top diplomat dismisses European rights concerns

    … off human rights concerns by European countries and cautioning against … , forced to denounce their religion and language and physically abused … other legs of Wang’s Europe trip, which includes Italy, … and other issues where Europe depends on China because …

  • Waha Capital launches income generating Islamic…

    … of a new income-focused Islamic fund, adding to its three … , to be called “Waha Islamic Income Fund SP”, will … develop such a fully-fledged Islamic fund.  We are confident that … .” The Waha Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa …

  • Iran lambastes US, EU for sheltering MEK terrorists

    … by the U.S. & EU.” The tweet comes on … 1979 victory of Iran’s Islamic Revolution. Its members fled Iran … activity in the US and Europe and even hold meetings with … American and EU officials. MNA/5004451

  • Europe’s Most-Enduring Leader Faces Biggest Test in Balkan Vote

    … three decades of dominance by Europe’s most enduring leader. President … parties vying to join the European Union to euroskeptics and pro … elections. Read More: Why EU’s Balkan Expansion Faces Long … approval of a law on religious groups that may strip the …

  • Spirit of 2015 a distant memory in Lesbos

    Five years ago the olive grove of Moria on the Greek island of Lesbos was a sanctuary for asylum seekers. Today it is a jungle, overcrowded, threatening and all too often in flames. Destroying an olive tree in Ancient Athens could lead to banishment, now it is the needs of the banished which have seen…

  • What will the EU do to tackle the towns declaring themselves to be LGBT-free zones?

    Michal is a mild-mannered 19-year-old. He describes himself as ‘a bit of a nerd’, plans a career making videos and came out as gay before leaving school last year. ‘I did not make a big deal of it and tell everyone, but just started incorporating talk about my boyfriend in conversations,’ he told me as…

  • Every president needs moral authority to lead

    Every president needs moral authority to lead The Dallas Morning News is publishing a multipart series on important issues for voters to consider as they choose a president this year. This is the third installment of our What’s at Stake series, and it focuses on presidential leadership. Find the full series here. There is a…

  • With or without COVID, we will have our Pasko

    Pasko: This may be one Christmas season different in so many ways from previous ones because of the COVID-19 pandemic. In Western Europe and the United States, where Santa Claus figures prominently as Father Christmas planners are already figuring out ways to bring him to children without endangering them through strict adherence to distancing and…