United States: Trump announces executive order to protect babies born alive – Vatican News

By Vatican News

US President, Donald Trump announced on Wednesday that he would be signing a “Born Alive” executive order “to ensure that all precious babies born alive, no matter their circumstances, receive the medical care that they deserve.”

Trump made this announcement in a video message during the 16th Annual National Catholic Prayer Breakfast, which was held virtually in observance of coronavirus precautionary norms.

He also announced an increase in federal funding for neonatal research “to ensure that every child has the very best chance to thrive and to grow.”

“We believe in the joy of family, the blessing of freedom, the dignity of work and the eternal truth that every child born and unborn is made in the holy image of God,” Trump said.

He also stated his commitment to protecting the vital role of religion, prayer and the right to life, calling the protection of children a “sacrosanct moral duty.” 

The Church in service of society

The US president recalled growing up next to a Catholic Church in Queens, New York and seeing the impact of the Catholic Church in his community.

“Catholic schools give many underserved children the chance to reach their God-given potential,” he said. Catholics of all backgrounds share the love of Christ with the most vulnerable as they care for the elderly, the homeless and neighbors in need.”

“Our nation is strong because of Catholics and all people of faith,” the president added.

Trump recalled Pope St. John Paul II’s first visit to the US, repeating his words to a parish in Harlem: “let the Good News of Christ radiate from your hearts and the peace that He alone gives remain forever in your souls.”

He also expressed his gratitude to Catholics across America who live by the Polish saint’s words and who bring “hope and joy and light and grace to the world.”

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