Elisa names 2020 Finnish digital book award winners

Finnish operator Elisa has announced the winners of the 2020 Finnish Books of the Year award, run by its Elisa Kirja e-book arm. Elisa had chosen a list of titles for the public to vote from. The exception was the newcomer category, in which Elisa Kirja itself picked the winner.

In the fiction category, the winner was Tommi Kinnunen’s “Defiance”. In the Information/biography category, the winner was Jari Tervo for his book about actor Veta-Matti Loiri. The winner of the crime category was Lenna Lehtolainen for “The Ripple Effect”. In the audiobook category, the winner was actor and author Ville Tiihonen. Elina Backman was named best newcomer for “When the King Dies”.


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