Vatican trial begins on alleged abuses at St. Pius X seminary – Vatican News

A trial got underway on Wednesday morning at the Tribunal of the Vatican City State in a case involving two defendants: Fr. Gabriele Martinelli and Fr. Enrico Radice, the former rector of the St. Pius X Seminary.

Fr. Martinelli (who is represented by lawyer Rita Claudia Baffioni) is accused of sexual abuse allegedly committed between 2007 and 2012 against someone at the pre-seminary.

Fr. Radice (who is represented by lawyer Agnese Camilli Carissimi) is accused of obstructing the investigation into these matters.

The hearing began at 9:35 AM with the reading of the charges, and was adjourned until Tuesday, 27 October at 2:00 PM.

At that session, according to Giuseppe Pignatone, president of the Tribunal, the reservation on some evidence presented by the defense will be lifted, and the accused will be questioned.

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