The European Union provided the Czech Republic with 30 ventilators

Due to the second COVID-19 outbreak, the Czech Republic received 30 ventilators from the European Union on Saturday and is currently seeking more support and equipment from its allies to help battle the current health crisis.

The government is also planning to increase the number of beds, equipment, and personnel, including a 500-bed field hospital in Letňany, which is supposed to provide medical help for 15,500 COVID-19 patients at once. The hospital is ready and should be available for use close to November 10th. Currently, the government is considering to build a similar one in Moravia.

The Czech government will bring up to 300 military personnel from the European Union and NATO members to help with the current pandemic. 28 military doctors from the United States will also provide their help to sustain the country’s health service with COVID-related hospitalizations.

Meanwhile, the Czech Republic reported 15,252 new registered infection cases of coronavirus as of Oct. 23, which has become a new daily record. Currently, the Czech Republic faces Europe’s fastest spread of the infection.

Currently, the official number of registered cases of COVID infections in the country is well over 250,000 and shows a steady increase on a daily basis while the overall number of deaths remains in the 2000 – 2100 range.

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