Polish Cardinal disciplined following Vatican investigation – Vatican News

By Vatican News staff writer

In a statement issued at 12 noon on Friday, the Apostolic Nunciature in Poland announced that Cardinal Henryk Gulbinowicz, one of the oldest cardinals in the country, has been subjected to penal measures on account of abuse of minors. The Archbishop emeritus of the Archdiocese of Wrocław has been accused of harassment, homosexual acts, and collaboration with the security service of the time.

Penalties imposed

The statement issued by the Nunciature says that “following the investigation into the accusations made against Cardinal Henryk Gulbinowicz, and after analysing other accusations concerning the Cardinal’s past, the Holy See has taken the following disciplinary decisions against him: [the Cardinal] is forbidden from participating in any public celebration or meeting; forbidden from using episcopal insignia; and prohibited from the funeral service and burial in the cathedral.”

Additionally Cardinal Gulbinowicz will be required to pay “an adequate some of money in the form of a donation for the activities of the St Joseph Foundation, established by the Polish Bishops’ Conference for victims of sexual abuse, their psychological assistance, prevention [of abuse] and the education of those responsible for the protection of minors.”

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