Forces in Tigray aim missiles at Ethiopian airports – Vatican News

By Nathan Morley

Rockets hit Gondar in Amhara state, but a projectile aimed at the Bahir Dar airport missed its target.

The Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), which holds control of Tigray, said the missiles were fired in retaliation for air strikes conducted by forces of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.

Last week, Abiy deployed the national Army on an offensive against local troops in Tigray after accusing them of attacking federal troops. He confirmed government warplanes were targeting military facilities in Tigray, controlled by the Tigrayan forces.

Ahmed has said the military would bring an end to the fighting in Tigray region and remove its leadership, which his government regards as illegal.

The African Union and the United Nations are concerned that the fighting could spread to other parts of the country.

Pope Francis has appealed for a peaceful solution to the violence, urging authorities “to reject the temptation of armed conflct. 

Last week, the Catholic Bishops of Ethiopia appealed for peaceful dialogue, urging parties to resolve their differences amicably, in a spirit of respect and understanding.

Listen to Nathan Morley’s report

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