Steps to improve EU democracy ahead of 2024 elections

News | European Parliament

  • Build on the 2019 increase in youth participation through Conference on Future of Europe
  • Guarantee an equal vote and representation for all citizens
  • Strengthen EU democracy by accentuating the European dimension of elections

Parliament aims to enhance democracy and enable full participation in the European political space, based on lessons from the 2019 European elections.

On Thursday, the European Parliament adopted with 468 votes to 194 against and 34 abstentions a resolution that draws conclusions from the May 2019 European Elections.

A stronger electoral process

MEPs welcome the higher turnout, especially among young voters, which demonstrates that the negative trend in turnout in Europe can be reversed. They also welcome the improved gender balance (41% women MEPs, up from 37%), but highlight the persistent disparities among member states, which could be addressed through “zipped” lists or similar methods. Minorities (Roma people in particular) are underrepresented, citizens with disabilities are excluded due to a lack of accessible voting centres (an estimated 800,000 in 2019), and those who are homeless and prisoners face obstacles in exercising their right to vote, Parliament criticises.

Interference by foreign and internal actors is also a matter of concern, for which the Council and the Commission should engage with Parliament’s Special Committee on Foreign Interference in all Democratic Processes in the EU (INGE), which took up its work in September. MEPs ask for a ban on campaign funding from foreign bodies, scrutiny of social media platforms’ algorithms, as well as education and awareness-raising efforts.

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