Fargo Public Library offers personalized book recommendations for kids

FARGO — Fargo Public Library children’s librarians are offering a free service, “What’s Next? Kids’ Personalized Reading Recommendations,” to help children decide what books to read and find resources for homework assignments.

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                              <p>The service is available for children, parents/caregivers, grandparents and teachers. Those wishing to get started are instructed to fill out the "What's Next?" online form at <a href="https://fargond.gov/city-government/departments/library/kids/what-s-next-kids-book-recommendations" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">fargolibrary.org/whatsnext</a>. Based on the preferences provided, librarians will suggest and pick out books and materials, and will either send a list or place the books on hold for pickup at any Fargo Public Library location.</p>                            <p>Those accessing the service will receive reading recommendations in about three to five days (one week for curriculum requests). The new reading recommendation service can also provide suggested collections of materials according to specific themes or lesson plan needs.</p>                            <p>For more information, contact the Children's Services Department at 701-241-1495 or email kids@fargolibrary.org.</p>
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