DKG’s ’The Book Club’ continues to meet by Zoom

A book club that is associated with the membership of Alpha Delta Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma (DKG) of Washington Court House simply named “The Book Club” is composed of 10 DKG members, including Marie Fetters, Cassandra Furlong, Nancy Mowery, Sandy Sowash, Susan Stuckey, Kim Bonnell, Dianne Junk, Debra Wing, Christy Eckstein, and Cathy White.

The Book Club was formally established in October of 2013. The club currently meets on the fourth Monday of the month and due to the pandemic has been meeting by Zoom in recent months. The club has found that there are advantages to meeting by Zoom.

The two members, Marie Fetters and Cassandra Furlong, who now live out of state can meet with us in person on a regular basis. Another advantage is the connection and friendship with Suzanne Lucey, the owner of the “Page 158 Books,” a book store in North Carolina. The club was introduced to Suzanne by DKG member Marie Fetters, who now lives in North Carolina.

Suzanne visited the book club by Zoom this past October when they decided to read “One Good Mama Bone,” by Bren McClain for the next meeting in November. Suzanne Lucey arranged for the author to visit with the club in person during the Zoom meeting on Nov. 23. It was a delightful meeting with wonderful insightful discussion with Bren about her book. It was interesting to hear her tell how her life experiences and interactions with others reflect in her writing.

Bren McClain grew up on 72-acre cattle farm near Anderson, South Carolina which was a great influence throughout her book One Good Mama Bone. She earned a BA in English from Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina. She wrote for her local newspaper in Anderson, worked in radio and television, taught high school English for one year, and had a career in media relations before becoming a full-time writer.

Bren has won several writing awards, including the 2017 Will Morris Award for Southern Fiction, the 2019 Patricia Win Award for Southern Fiction, and the Great Book Reads by Women’s National Book Association. She is now working on her next book, “Took,” that also includes farm animals, which should be published within a year to a year and a half and has already won the William Faulkner-William Wisdom Prize for a Novel in Progress. Bren said she hopes to visit the club in person by the time Took is available. The Book Club can’t wait!

The Book Club is also looking forward to its continued friendship with Suzanne Lucey and her promise to bring new book titles and introduce us to other authors to visit in the future to discuss their books. In dark and difficult times opportunities often present themselves. In dark clouds there can be silver linings.

Delta Kappa Gamma is a sorority of professional women educators.


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